No Fatigue Ch70 Part 1

Long overdue chapter of No Fatigue.

Decided to publish it in parts to try to keep it at a reasonable size and so I can keep up a more or less regular schedule for it. This is the first part of two of chapter 70, with part two coming tomorrow.

I’m not dropping Redo Prince, but it will probably be less frequent than until now.

Also, in the next week or so, work will probably take up most of my time, so there might be a bit of a slowdown over all. I’ll try to avoid it though.

Part 1 of Chapter 70 here.

Redo Prince V1Ch20

Well, my goal of 4 chapters of Redo Prince will not be met this week.

Anyhow, there are two versions of today’s chapter, a commentated one and the usual one.
The comments might not be entirely complementary of the story, so if you want to just simply enjoy the story, then you might want to just read the clean version.
For a more social reading experience, you can read the commentated one.

Chapter here.

Commentated chapter here.